I have been very busy here in Benbecula, firstly for 2 weeks totally at home, seeing no one but my husband, and now, going out a little bit but still socially distant. The weeks on my own with Archie were interesting. We havent spent much time together for quite a long time, and I must say that it has given me a sense of contentment. He is now doing all the shopping, and Though I add a few things to the list, I have great fun going through all the exciting things he brings back from the shops. Its like getting a hamper!
I am worried about all my family, as they are all in various places on the mainland, and my sister is in france, but when I get worried, I turn to pray for them and any other people that come to my mind.
our church has a small prayer group that I am part of, and we meet up on Zoom, and on messenger to talk and pray for people in the communitee and all over the world.
I am a keyworker, but at the moment I am just working privately with one lady for a couple of hours most evenings. We sit and chat, and also pary there too.
the only other place I am going apart from walks with the dog, and into my own garden, is to the stables, and now and again my studio nearby. I am at the stables about 3 or 4 times a week for a few hours. jobs i am doing are filling hay nets, poo picking fields, grooming horses, and riding my own horse. I have also been learning to lunge him, which I find quite hard, as it nees a lot of co ordination, and I also get dizzy. I have really been ejoying it though, espesially the last couple of days, as the weather has been amazing. I dont have much confidence, so its really good that I have managed to go out and ride my Thorn.

We are so very fortunate to be living it this fantastic place, and when the weather is like this, we can forgive the storms.
In my studio, I have been painting some new work.
Here is one of my paintings which is for sale:

I'm taking part in the artists pledge. This painting is called looking to the future It is acrylic on canvas. Cost is £200 Inc postage within UK. (I will be donating 10% of each sale to our local food Bank.) Please private message me if you are interested . Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many artists have found themselves in a difficult situation with galleries closed and exhibitions cancelled. In an attempt to help alleviate some of this stress @matthewburrowsstudio has instigated the ARTIST SUPPORT PLEDGE #artistsupportpledge The concept is a simple one. Artists post images of their work on Instagram which they are willing to sell for no more than £200 each. Anyone can buy the work. Every time an artist reaches £1000 of sales, they pledge to spend up to £200 on another artist/s work. I also pledge to donate 10% of any sales to our local @trusselltrust food bank. I've been amazed by the support so far thank you.
And in Jewellery department, I have also made new exciting designs which I am posting for sale in my etsy shop and my website.
but one of my older designs, recently had some interest shown in it, so I have posted some pictures of it here too,